Cranial osteopathy, like all osteopathy, looks at the relationship between the body’s structure and function. Cranial technique uses gentle contact to support the body and correct disturbances in the bones and soft tissue layout.
Cranial Osteopathy is based on a model of the body’s physiological functioning that says all the tissues move in a rhythmic and cyclical way as part of their respiratory activity. This rhythm or ‘pulse’ can be felt by those trained to know how to identify it and this is the mechanism used to both diagnose and treat.
Cranial osteopathy is often associated with the treatment of babies. However, it lays its main emphasis in treating dysfunction in children and adults alike. This may be caused by labour for a newborn, or a skiing accident in adulthood. The result still remains: an area of pain and a dysfunction in our biomechanical structure.
It can be useful in the treatment of chronic health conditions that are not resolving*. This is by way of improving general circulation and reducing tension allowing the body to function at its own optimum given the circumstances. Babies often respond well to cranial technique, which may help them resolve many discomforts of infancy or from their birth. Pre and post partum mothers whose bodies are in a state of change and under hormonal influence, as well as adjusting to shifts in size and shape, often respond well too.
Cranial osteopaths are primarily osteopaths with a strong foundation in anatomy and physiology and a deep understanding of the body. The ‘cranial’ technique is a specialized field which some osteopaths undertake at a postgraduate level. They have the same skills in differential diagnosis and clinical testing as all osteopaths.
Bumps, Babies & Beyond Clinic
The Vale Practice are pleased to announce a new pregnancy, post-partum and baby service. Book your appointment to get expert advice and discuss how osteopathy can help with any concerns.
What do the clinics cover?
Pregnancy related aches and pains resulting from the physical demands of changes to your body during this period (Cranial & Structural Osteopathy)
Preparing the pelvis for birth
Post-birth check-up especially in cases of a difficult labour, instrumental delivery, and where lasting moulding from the birth persists
Postural alignments and head flattening
Feeding and digestive issues such as reflux, constipation
Unsettled and irritable behaviour for long periods
Difficulty settling and staying asleep
Post-partum check-ups, to aid the mother’s recovery, especially important after a difficult birth
Postural pain from carrying an ever-growing baby, and from feeding
Massage for relaxation & recovery
For more information on Bumps, Babies and Beyond take a look HERE…
These are just a few examples of concerns where osteopathy may be beneficial to mum and baby. To book your appointment please contact the reception team on 020 8299 9798 or
*NB please consult with your G.P. for any advice or management of chronic injuries