Osteopaths are trained as Primary Healthcare Practitioners and are an integral part of rehabilitative care. As the first complimentary medicine to obtain government recognition, osteopaths are governed and regulated by the General Osteopathic Council.
Osteopathy is the diagnosis and treatment of the body which encompasses all muscles, ligaments and joints. Our extensive training in both anatomy and physiology allows the whole body to be addressed thus promoting optimal function throughout. As osteopaths are trained to treat holistically, the site of pain is considered in the context of the individual.
Our osteopaths will take a detailed case history, including past history as well as the reason you are seeking help now. We will put your present problem into the context of your health and life to this point. Having taken a history, our osteopaths will advise you of your therapy plan before treatment. Examinations are based on orthopaedic and neurological tests as well as tests of movement and strength which give clues as to the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments involved. Treatment may involve gentle articulation movements, soft tissue manipulation and/or gentle cranial osteopathic techniques. Patients may then be given further advice on posture, prevention and exercises. All techniques are chosen for each patient’s individual needs, allowing for the most effective treatment for that individual.
Find out more about our Osteopaths here…
To book an appointment with an Osteopath online…
Call us on 0208 299 9798, or by email – info@thevalepractice.co.uk
Our Osteopaths are covered by BUPA, AXA/PPP and most other insurers. *Please enquire at time of booking*.