Nurture Your Gut Health: How Japanese Acupuncture Can Ground You for the New Year


By James Booth 

Christmas and new year festivities may not be the time to worry about diet and your digestion but as the new year progresses you could look at Japanese acupuncture to work on those niggling digestive problems that have been bothering you.

Modern Japanese acupuncture as available The Vale is based of course on the tenets of Chinese medicine established in seminal texts written in the last few centuries BC.

The Chinese have always had focus on digestion and ‘gut health’. When you are greeted in China as often as not you will be asked “Have you eaten?” Today this is not an invitation to say “Well no, actually, what’s for supper?” but is another way of saying “How are you?”. In other words it is central to your state of being.

In Chinese elemental energetics the Earth is the central element without which the rest of the energetic cycle doesn’t turn. And the Earth element in the body is the stomach and spleen (pancreas) – and their correct functioning is not just concerned with dealing with too much Chop Suey or Indian takeaways, it extends to the structural and mental / emotional spheres.

For example a weak Earth element may be behind poor posture as well as your ability to stand up for yourself or low self-esteem. Someone who dislikes the changes in the seasons (especially autumn to winter and winter to spring) will be helped by certain acupuncture protocols, as will people who suffer badly from jetlag.

While acupuncture cannot help with starvation, the many periods of famines during  turbulent periods of Chinese history gave the Chinese a preoccupation with food (as mentioned in the greeting above) and it is no coincidence that the most famous acu-point on the body is on the stomach meridian (a meridian or channel is a pathway of points associated with a certain organ.)  This point is called zu san li (JP ashi no san ri) and literally means ‘leg 3 leagues’. So needling this point metaphorically gives you the energy walk another 3 leagues (about a mile). Back in the day this could be the difference between life and death.

So with the Earth at the centre of acupuncture energetics and with its wide range of points and treatment protocols, why not try Japanese acupuncture to set you up for the New Year.




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